@nvk! What if a sats card can first educate you before spend it? Emagine a new blockclock that's also an audio player - for all the adults out there that are todlers in their bitcoin knowledge. They can stick their satscard into their blockclock to learn! @npub1h8nk234 for the reads? And for the "radio" feature, someone else for the daily bitcoin industry, macro & austrian econ news? @npub1u8lnhlw can help with the app? Stuff it, why not have a screen where you hook on to the @npub18d4r6wa api for some good representations of what's going on? (and other api's) And even let @npub14mcddvs broadcast his bitcoin football club matches over the "radio" feature? Just need @npub1guh5gre to release the funds through Ten31 and we're there! Haha