

I get very tired of this “invasion” term in Australia There was NO! Other inevitable outcome What Australia never would have been invaded? That’s what was happening at that time in the world The absolute best Australia could of done and had to be extremely lucky to last this long: was up untill WW2 Japan 🇯🇵 were coming down the Pacific looking to invade all the countries. They Got into Australia and our Brave ANZACS are the only reason the were defeated and the lands were defended If the Aboriginal race were so lucky not to be invaded up till WW2 Japan and Nazi Germany would of wiped out the entire culture, done extreme experiments and the torture brutality 1000 times worse The aboriginal people couldn’t defend ANY piece of land at any time in history Stop making them out to be something they never were They weren’t one people. They were 1000s of tiny tribes that still hate eachother to this day You might not like what Britain did But invasion WAS AN INEVITABLE AND UNAVOIDABLE OUTCOME if it was any other culture, Australia would never have been and the Aboriginies would of been wiped out as they did t have the technology to defend against anyone They are the only culture that never invented the wheel 🛞 So the “invasion” outcome means THEY ARE STILL ALIVE TODAY Probably the best of all bad outcomes happened You think that other races weren’t invaded and wiped off the planet 1000 times over? Of course they were So quit the invasion talk…. There was no other inevitable outcome Our ANZACS died bravely protecting what you cry about today Imagine they just didn’t and left you all to fend for yourselves You would of all perished Aboriginal people weren’t ever 1 people, weren’t ever a nation and weren’t technologically advanced enough to defend against inevitable invasion
