
To @npub1k95p0e3

The next major change we wanted in v2 was to also build native apps that can be used as an alternative to the web based PWA. I had used Electron before, but had always found the performance to be a bit lacking, so I had a look around for alternatives. I came across Tauri: which is built with Rust. Rather than shipping a full Chromium v8 + your app like Electron does, it utilises the native Webview instead, making it lightweight and performant and can be added to any frontend framework. The DevEx of Tauri is probably the best of any tool I have used. It just worked as it said it should. We now wrap a few functions that drive notifications and storage so that they can handle slightly the different calls needed based on whether we are in a native or browser env and we are good to go. Tauri supports native desktop apps out of the box currently and they have native mobile apps supported in alpha at the moment. Once mobile support is out of alpha, we plan on integrating that as well. So eventually Clams will be a full cross platform app with one codebase.

8/20/2023, 9:54:01 PM